
Gastrin-17 Rapid Test

Gastrin-17 Rapid Test

Short Description:


Specification:1 test/kit;5 tests/kit;10tests/kit;20tests/kit;25tests/kit;

30 tests/kit; 40 tests/kit; 50 tests/kit

Clinical Significance:suggests gastric acid secretion;gastric health testing indicators

Performance Parameter:Sample:serum/plasma/whole blood

Sample dosage:100μL

Linear range:1.00pmol/L-20.00pmol/L


Detection time( min):15min

Applicable Department:Gastroenterology, physical examination, laboratory medicine, etc

Supporting Instruments:PMDT9000;PMDT9100

Product Detail

Intended Use

Gastrin is a gastrointestinal hormone secreted mainly by the G cells of the antrum and duodenum, which plays an important role in regulating the function of the digestive tract and maintaining its structural integrity. In the human body, more than 95% of the bioactive gastrin is a-amidated gastrin, mainly containing two isomers G-17 and G-34, of which 80%〜90% is G-17. G-17 is secreted only by antrum G cells, so G-17 is an important indicator of gastric mucosal damage.

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